Rare Medium

Rare Medium is MLA’s foodservice program and the domestic foodservice industry’s trusted go-to source of information about Australian red meat. In consultation with experts across the foodservice sector, Rare Medium provides education and inspiration to chefs from paddock to plate.

About Meat & Livestock Australia

Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA) is the marketing and research services company for Australia’s red meat and livestock industry.

MLA is a not-for-profit organisation owned by Australian cattle, sheep and goat producers and is funded by a levy on livestock sales, with the Federal Government providing matching funds for R&D investment.

MLA’s core focus is to deliver value to levy payers by growing demand for red meat and improving profitability, sustainability and global competitiveness.

MLA is a service provider to the red meat industry, not an industry representative body or lobby group.

MLA's role within foodservice is to bridge the gap between paddock and plate by providing chefs with education, inspiration and innovation relating to Australian beef, lamb, veal and goat.



Level 1, 40 Mount Street, North Sydney NSW 2060


PO Box 1961, North Sydney NSW 2059


Phone : 02 9463 9333

Fax : 02 9463 9393

Free call : 1800 023 100 (Australia only)